Friday, January 30, 2009


As nurse or midwife we need to be sure that all pregnant women who are coming in for prenatal check-up should be injected with TT (tetanus toxoid)injection.

Every pregnant women living in an area where there is neonatal tetanus should be vaccinated against tetanus at the first antenatal visit or every pregnancy. If she has not previously had the full course of tetanus protection, she should be vaccinated again 1-2 months later, then again 6 months after that.


If pregnant women get even the most simple, basic and cheap antenatal care it can make their pregnancy and birth much safer. What is done during an antenatal or prenatal visit depends of the level of training on the health worker, the equipment and laboratory tests which are available to them, how often the come to visits and the health problems which are common in the area.
Antenatal care aim to :
• Develop kind and respectful relationship between the each woman and the health workers, so that she will attend for antenatal care and be more likely to talk about any problems. She many also be more accepting of any advice given.
• Find and treat any illness the woman already has.
• Identify which women can safely deliver at home or in the clinic and which women are more likely to have complications and should deliver in the hospital.
• Explain to women the danger signs that can occur during pregnancy, labour and delivery so that they seek help early.


In my experience I observe that pregnant women are highly educated are more concern and interested on what is going on in her pregnancy. They tend to make good decisions. Education gives people skill and confidence, and makes them aware of the choices they can make in their lives. Educated women are more likely to marry later, have their first pregnancy later and have fewer children. In addition, they are more likely to know about contraception, start to use it earlier and rely on modern rather than traditional methods. Educated women are more likely to attend for antenatal care during pregnancy.

Getting a good start

The conditions of a woman’s life affect her health and that of her children. For women to be healthy during pregnancy and childbirth they need: good nutrition, especially during childhood, several years of education (beyond primary level), respect and consideration in their home and their society.
By the time a woman becomes pregnant, many things will have happened in her life which affect her and health. For example, the food she ate as a child – the type and the amount – will make a big difference.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Monday, January 26, 2009

Crazy nurse/midwife with oxygen on

A day to remember with me and my best friend. We had only one patient this time. The patient was still in early labor so we told her to walk around while we were doing crazy things unimaginable.
We didn't know what went to our heads. It was just out of blue we decided to have oxygen on and of course, we had to take pictures.
The funny thing is we really do look like real patients. Aren't we? We could be good models for oxygen, don't you think? We do accept though that when we are together we get so crazy and wild. lol.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Happy bday to my youngest brother myspace graphic comments
Myspace Happy Birthday Comments & Graphics
. Happy b-day to my youngest brother. I love you a lot. May God bless you with all the blessings He intended you to have. Be responsible with yourself and others. Continue to be a blessing to other people. Please know that we love you a lot. It is my hope that you will finish your school. Always be reminded that God is always with you and He will keep you always. Just delight yourself unto the Lord and He will direct your paths.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

My cousin gave birth

My cousin gave birth to a very healthy and cute little baby girl named Kate Nichole. She gave birth in the hospital. Everything was find with no complications. Kate is her second baby. I delivered her first baby at the birth center. Another angel is added to our family. Everyone is very happy welcoming our new member of the family. Both my cousin and her newborn are doing well. Thanks God.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

My cousin is due this month

My cousin is due this month. When I did the prenatal exam, I palpated that the baby's head is already engaged (meaning the head moved down to the pelvis). It means that in two or three weeks she will have her baby. I explained and showed her pictures of baby.

By nine months, most of the baby’s bones have hardened, although the skull is still pliable. She is shedding most of the downy covering of hair as well as the creamy vernix caseosa that covered her whole body. She spend the next few weeks just putting on weight.
Soon your baby settles down lower in your abdomen in preparation of birth and may seem less active. Skin is pink and smooth and the child measures 19 to 20 inches in length. Lungs are mature and at approximately 8 pounds the baby is ready for life outside your womb. Soon you’ll see her face to face!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!! Cheers!!! myspace graphic comments
Myspace Happy New Year Comments
Happy new to everyone!!! Let us thank the Lord for adding our lives a new year. It is time to celebrate His goodness ad faithfulness in us. He sustain us through the whole year. It is time for a new beginning, new challenge, new hopes and dreams. Time to correct the mistakes we have done. We should all hope for the best. CHEERS!!!