Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Fifth month- fetal development

By 20 weeks the baby will have grown to 1 pound or 454grams and though small and fragile she can hear and recognize her mother’s voice. They started to do thumb sucking which is their practice sucking for breastfeeding when they come out.
The expectant mother will be feeling the baby move even more and using an ultrasound device the doctor can tell if the child is a boy or a girl.
Although vision is the last sense to develop there is sometimes just enough light filtered through the mother’s tissue that a fetal baby can respond when the mother is in bright light.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Fourth month- fetal development

You baby is coat with fine downy hair called “lanugo” and comes in about 6 inches in length and 6 to 7 ounces.
Fine hair, eyelashes and fingerprints are all complete.
Awake or sleep, the fetal baby moves 50 times or more each hour exploring her warm, wet compartment by touch.
She touches her hand to her face, places one hand to the other hand, clasp her feet, places her hand to the umbilical cord and sometimes walks around the womb by pushing off with her feet.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Third month- fetal development

By the second trimester, your baby is now in its fetal stage and measures 2 ½ to 3 inches in length. Fully formed the heart can be heard with a Doppler. Your baby can experience the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep of dreams.
From 12 weeks, they can stretch, kick and leap around the womb- well before the mother can feel movement

Major organs are formed; brain developing fast that's why the head is larger;chin nose, and eyelids defined. Starts kicking.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Second month- fetal development

Did you know that on the 2nd month you can see the the fetus can be seen as a human being already? The second month of fetal development the heart starts beating at 6 weeks, all other organs starts to develop. Facial bones, eyes, and eye color, and fingers and toes start forming.
At 8 weeks, the embryos grows to ½ an inch, the major muscles systems develops, and she moves gracefully like a good swimmer although you can’t felt it yet.
This tiny human is perfectly develops with long, tapering fingers, feet and toes, and whose skin is almost transparent with a highway of delicate arteries and veins, visible to the ends of the fingers.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

First month - Fetal Development

Did you know that the moment you missed your period that your baby is already formed? During the first 4 weeks, there are already a lot of development going on with the embryo. Brain and spinal cord starting to develop. Size is about 2mm.

The heart, no larger than a poppy seed, has been beating since day 18 when your just four days late for your menstrual period, and by 21 days it is already pumping , through its own closed circulatory system, blood whose type is different from yours.
Four weeks after fertilization, the eyes, ears and respiratory systems begins to form and your baby may even be sucking its thumb!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Life begins at fertilization

In my profession, I found out that there are still many people don't know that life begins at fertilization period. They thought that life begins when the baby kicks in the womb. Fertilization is the time when the sperm and egg cell met. It is the beginning of life process. It is the beginning of the miracle of life.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

6 babies in 24 hours

My first day of work Decmber 1,1998. There were 6 babies born. It was a crazy shift. We worked 24 hours. That was very tiring but it was all worth it. We did have a great time. Babies were so cute. It melt our tiredness away. I did have a long sleep after that.