Monday, December 29, 2008

A baby named after me

One of the joyous things being a nurse-midwife can have is when the parents name their baby after caregiver's name. I felt so privileged and honored when I learned that my patient decided to name her baby after me. I did asked them many times though if they are really sure of it. They were 100% sure. The baby is very cute like me lol... She is super cute but she had a hip dislocation and was referred to the doctor for it.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

My first twin delivery

During this holiday seasons, I am reminded of the twin babies that I delivered 7 years ago. I wonder how they are doing. I hope they grew up well and in good health. It was a surprise twins. Actually, the day before the patient was in labor I did her prenatal exams and found out that her fundic height is much larger than her Age of Gestation. I referred her for an ultrasound to confirm my suspicion. Due to lack of financial resources, she did not have one. So when she came in labor, I thought that she only has one big baby inside her. She denied to have history of twins in her or her husband's family. I was so surprised when the baby came out very small. I suddenly looked at the tummy, it was still very big. So I did an IE and there was another baby. The second baby came out after 20 minutes. We did resuscitated them both but they recovered very well. To God be the glory. Everything went well.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Have merry Xmas everyone!!!!! myspace graphic comments
Chistmas Graphic Comments
Merry Christmas everyone. I am so thankful that my family is intact this holiday. God is so great all the time. I am wishing everyone to have a peaceful and loving time with their families. We may not forget the real meaning of Christmas. Jesus was born to save us. He is the greatest gift of our lives. Have a merry merry Xmas everyone!!!! CHEERS!!!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Synchronized-pushing on supported squatting

This was one of the days when we had no patients. We do crazy things. Sometimes we pretend to be patients or patients' husbands. These are my colleagues doing synchronized- pushing on supported squatting. I really love them. They are so great!
If patients see us what we do when we have no patients, they will think we are all crazy. It is fun fun fun!!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Prenancy is a turning point

For me, pregnancy is one of the most amazing,miraculous and wonderful things God created. It is also the most wonderful experience a woman can have.

Pregnancy is one of the turning points in a woman's life, as well as her partner's. during pregnancy a woman's body undergoes a lot of changes. She needs to understand what these changes are, and what they mean.
a pregnant woman needs the full support of her husband or partner after all, it's not just the woman's concern. It is a family concern.

Another person who plays a crucial role during the whole process of pregnancy is the midwife or the doctor. With their help, they can help make the pregnancy safer- and even joyful.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Noodles treat after catching babies!!

After a long night shift, nurses and midwives got hungry after delivering babies. We usually treat ourselves with noodles! It is so much fun eating noodles early in the morning when we have time to eat. There are many nights that we can't even sit for a minute or two because we are busy catching the miracles of life.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Seldom sleeping chances

When we got a chance to sleep we sleep when there are no laboring patients. It is just very seldom we got this chance though. Mostly we are awake during our night shift. Sometimes I am wondering why babies loves to come out to this world during night time. If we could just schedule them when to come out, life would have been easier. It is okay though because the moment baby comes out, all of the doctor's, nurses' and midwives' tiredness and muscles pains will be gone. Babies are so amazing, it seems like they bring magic to the world. They melt hearts.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Eight month- fetal development

Overall growth is rapid this month and the baby grows as much as a half pound per week. At eight months of pregnancy, the baby may weigh 4 to 6 pounds and is gaining about half a pound per week. Layers of fat are pilling under her skin. Soon she will turn head down in preparation for her coming birth.
Most body organs are now developed with the exception of the lungs and if the baby kicks you’ll not only feel it and also be able to see it on the outside. Tremendous brain growth occurs at this time and the fingernails begin to extend past the fingertips.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Seventh month- fetal development

The seventh month of pregnancy is the beginning of the 3rd trimester of the pregnancy. By month’s end, the baby is 14 to 16 inches long and can weigh 2.5 to 3.5 pounds. The organs continue to mature.
If you expose your belly to a bright light you may get a quick reaction. The fetal baby can now inhale, exhale and eve cry. Eyes have completely formed. And the tongue has developed taste buds.
His body fat is beginning to form in preparation for life outside the womb.
If born at this time, she would be considered premature baby and requires special care.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Sixth month- fetal development

I did few prenatal check-ups this week. Most of my patients are on their 5th to 6th months of pregnancy. It is my responsibility to let them know what is going on and how their babies look like.
24th week of pregnancy or 6 months the baby's tender skin is now covered by a waxy substance called “vernix” and the baby to continues to practice breathing by inhaling amniotic fluid in preparation for the big day when she takes her first breath of air.
Her eyes begin to part and open occasionally for short periods of time. Hiccups are not uncommon.
After birth if prefers the mother’s voice because she has been listening to mom filtered through the amniotic fluid. From 26 weeks, babies exhibit a whole range of typical baby behaviour and moods, like scratching, smiling, crying, hiccuping and sucking.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

10 babies w/ only 3 midwives

Oh, I could still remember this shift. Only three of us working on 24- hour shift. Only two of us were catching the babies because the the other midwife had a severe back pain. It felt like we were catching babies forever one after the other as in non-stop. It was very exhausting but very fulfilling. Actually there were 10 laboring patients that came in but only 8 delivered. The two other patients were about to deliver their babies but we cannot handle it anymore, so the the people who were on next shift got on shift earlier than usual. After 30 minutes both of the patients delivered. Wow! that was crazy and very hard. I think I slept for 24 hours after that shift.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Child's immunization

Aside from delivering babies, we also do immunization to the babies. It is not easy on our part to inject them but it is our job to do it. We just have to remember that it is for their protection. Even though newborns have protection from their mother and from the breast milk, both are only temporary. At birth the baby should be injected with Hepa B vaccine. The next dose will be after 4 weeks. In the Philippines setting, the baby should be given a BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guerin) a vaccination to protect the baby from Tuberculosis. It will be given once at 0-6 months but the earlier the better. OPV (oral polio vaccine) will be given at 6 weeks, the same with DPT(Diptheria, Pertusis, Tetanus). Then at 9 months they will be given MMR(measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Checking each other's HR

Yes, we are crazy. Very obvious that this time we do not have patients in labor. My friend and I have fun doing crazy things in the birth room like checking each others heart rate. We are very serious and professional though when we have patients. But sometimes we do things that makes the laboring patients laugh. I think it is also helpful to do it sometimes. We know when to throw jokes and when not to. As it is said that laughter is the best medicine.

Friday, November 7, 2008

10cm cervical dilation

When I tell the laboring patient about their labor progress, I am very excited to tell them that they are already 10 cm. Mostly, they are so relieved and more excited than the midwives. 10 cm cervical dilation is the time that the patient will push her baby out. Pushing before 10 cms will make the cervix swell making it hard to open more so that the baby's head can pass through the opening. When the cervix swell it make the labor longer and more painful.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Facial expression

A dramatization of what the facial expression of a laboring woman who is told that her cervix still 1 cm open. Only 1 cm dilated in 4 hours of labor. Usually, when the pregnant woman who is not in labor yet her cervix is closed. Cervix is the part of the uterus that is serves as the first passage way of the baby to come out. As the labor progresses it will dilate more and more to 10 cms before the patient will push her baby out.

Monday, November 3, 2008

happy B-day to me!!!! myspace graphic comments
Happy Birthday Graphic Comments
Today is my brithday!!!!. Happy b-day to me. I am so happy for my family and friends got to celebrate this day to me. I thank God for giving me another year to celebrate His goodness and faithfulness into my life.Even though I made mistakes He still forgave me.
I am excited to know what God has for me this year. . I hoping that He will grant the desires of my heart. I am still 25 years old. I stopped counting my age at the age of 25. So for now, I have not been counting my age for 7 years. lol. I am not getting older but I am getting prettier. just kidding.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Fifth month- fetal development

By 20 weeks the baby will have grown to 1 pound or 454grams and though small and fragile she can hear and recognize her mother’s voice. They started to do thumb sucking which is their practice sucking for breastfeeding when they come out.
The expectant mother will be feeling the baby move even more and using an ultrasound device the doctor can tell if the child is a boy or a girl.
Although vision is the last sense to develop there is sometimes just enough light filtered through the mother’s tissue that a fetal baby can respond when the mother is in bright light.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Fourth month- fetal development

You baby is coat with fine downy hair called “lanugo” and comes in about 6 inches in length and 6 to 7 ounces.
Fine hair, eyelashes and fingerprints are all complete.
Awake or sleep, the fetal baby moves 50 times or more each hour exploring her warm, wet compartment by touch.
She touches her hand to her face, places one hand to the other hand, clasp her feet, places her hand to the umbilical cord and sometimes walks around the womb by pushing off with her feet.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Third month- fetal development

By the second trimester, your baby is now in its fetal stage and measures 2 ½ to 3 inches in length. Fully formed the heart can be heard with a Doppler. Your baby can experience the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep of dreams.
From 12 weeks, they can stretch, kick and leap around the womb- well before the mother can feel movement

Major organs are formed; brain developing fast that's why the head is larger;chin nose, and eyelids defined. Starts kicking.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Second month- fetal development

Did you know that on the 2nd month you can see the the fetus can be seen as a human being already? The second month of fetal development the heart starts beating at 6 weeks, all other organs starts to develop. Facial bones, eyes, and eye color, and fingers and toes start forming.
At 8 weeks, the embryos grows to ½ an inch, the major muscles systems develops, and she moves gracefully like a good swimmer although you can’t felt it yet.
This tiny human is perfectly develops with long, tapering fingers, feet and toes, and whose skin is almost transparent with a highway of delicate arteries and veins, visible to the ends of the fingers.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

First month - Fetal Development

Did you know that the moment you missed your period that your baby is already formed? During the first 4 weeks, there are already a lot of development going on with the embryo. Brain and spinal cord starting to develop. Size is about 2mm.

The heart, no larger than a poppy seed, has been beating since day 18 when your just four days late for your menstrual period, and by 21 days it is already pumping , through its own closed circulatory system, blood whose type is different from yours.
Four weeks after fertilization, the eyes, ears and respiratory systems begins to form and your baby may even be sucking its thumb!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Life begins at fertilization

In my profession, I found out that there are still many people don't know that life begins at fertilization period. They thought that life begins when the baby kicks in the womb. Fertilization is the time when the sperm and egg cell met. It is the beginning of life process. It is the beginning of the miracle of life.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

6 babies in 24 hours

My first day of work Decmber 1,1998. There were 6 babies born. It was a crazy shift. We worked 24 hours. That was very tiring but it was all worth it. We did have a great time. Babies were so cute. It melt our tiredness away. I did have a long sleep after that.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Miracle of life catcher's brief history

I am a nurse-midwife by profession. I finished my Bachelors Degree in Nursing on 3rd April 1998. Nursing has specialized areas to choose from. While I was still a student nurse, I already had 2 choices either an OR nurse or a DR nurse when I finish my school. Never thought even a little thing to have a Midwifery title. Even before I took the National Licensure examination, I was already hired to work in a Maternity Center run by missionaries. It is a charity clinic where they offer Maternal and Newborn care and Primary Health Care free of charge for the less fortunate.

It was an answered prayer for me. It was prayer while I was still in college that after I graduate God will grant me a work where I can serve Him and his people. Four months of working there, I took a Midwifery Exam and by God's grace I passed. Since then God called me to be a nurse-midwife. I feel so blessed because I have the privilege to be a witness of the miracle of life. Not only to witness but to touch, catch and save lives. Come and journey with me as I experience joy and laughter, tears and sadness as a miracle of life catcher.